Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Eleventh Post. Day at the Dentist.

So I visited a new dentist today. It was not a fun experience.. First we get lost on our way there, then we waited a full half an hour till she called me in for x-rays which took another half hour. Then finally the dentist came and just checked my teeth, which had six freaking cavities in there. So i thought, no biggie, just get six freaking fillings. Then he left to let the assistant talk to us about the payment, which turned out to be fourteen-hundred dollars AFTER the insurance covers it. My jaws literally dropped and my eyes were huge. Six freaking fillings for $1400? No way I'm paying that. So now I'm just gonna brush and floss like there's no tomorrow. Till December when I go back to Taiwan and visit my dentist there for a MUCH cheaper price.. Plus I'll probably have to pull my wisdom teeth out anyways. :( Owwie.

Live. Listen. Love.

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